
If I must boast, I will boast of the things that [show] my infirmity [of the things by which I am made weak and contemptible in the eyes of my opponents]. (2 Corinthians 11:30 AMP)

I participate in a Fitness Class with an over 50 age range. Many of the exercises focus on strength training, working with weights, wall sits, squats. And, in my attempts to keep my mind strong, I read and listen to books, I do cryptograms, I write, and I play Words with Friends…ok the last one may or may not keep my mind strong. I desire to be spiritually strong also and so engage in the four “W’s”, Worship, Word, Witness, and Work. Strength, being strong, being able to “leap tall buildings with a single bound”, having others comment on how strong a person one is, along with beauty, power, riches, etc., we cultivate the importance of being strong.

And, yet

I am weak. No amount of strength training, aerobics, Zumba–those three classes about killed me, no matter how many books I read, concerts I attend, memory exercises I complete, no extended Bible study or prayer time will turn back the clock or make me STRONG!

And, yet

I am thankful for all my weaknesses, for the time I collapsed into the arms of Jesus 30 plus years ago and said, “I cannot go on another minute like I am. Save me or Kill me.” “I am weak but he is strong.” (Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Lyric author unknown).

Whatever anyone sees in me as strength comes from Jesus, from the Holy Spirit living in me. As I yield myself and disentangle myself from trying to do things on my own, He lifts me to my feet, cuts off the tangled mess of overdoing, leads me to rest by his still waters and restore my soul. He shoves me or leads me, whatever it takes, into the midst of life with all its heartaches, triumphs, tragedies, trials, routines, appointments, and grumpy people, who are so like that old woman in the mirror, so I can discover the transformation of my weakness when dependent on His strength.

But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you.” So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can live in me. (2 Corinthians 12:9 NCV)

So I am

Thankful for my weakness


Thankful that I can help those weaker than I am by telling them about the ONE who can do more that “leap tall buildings”, the ONE who can take a weak woman like myself and fill me with his strength.

I showed you in all things that you should work as I did and help the weak. I taught you to remember the words Jesus said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” (Acts 20:35 NCV)

By the way, I am still going to fitness center, reading, praying, worshipping, etc. Because God meets me there and strengthens me. He just doesn’t let me get too caught up in my “self-help” plan and reminds me occasionally that my flesh is weak and not so young anymore. LOL image